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Hair Transplantation

Who can have a hair transplant?

Hair transplantation is preferred by men because of the genetic coding that causes hair loss. On the other hand, even if women have different hormonal systems, they may experience a hair loss and can also have hair transplantation.

In addition, a hair transplantation is possible if the patient has scar tissue due to an accident. In this case, it turns into both an aesthetic and medical treatment.

What are the causes of hair loss?

The genetic status is the most responsible factor in the hair loss. However, the age, any physical trauma or medical disorders can also cause a hair loss. Regardless of the cause, it is possible to perform a hair transplant procedure if the patient has sufficient donor capacity. It can be performed not only for scalp but also for any body part such as mustache, beard or hair.

How to perform a hair transplantation?

The main purpose of a hair transplantation is to remove a certain amount of hair from the donor area and transplant them in the area where the hair is needed. The removal of your hair from the area to be transplanted is called "graft".

The area chosen as the donor area is primarily at the back part of your head between the two ears. However, if the back part of the head does not have sufficient density and capacity, it is also possible to extract it from areas such as chest hair, beard, etc. We always prefer to remove from the back part of the head, as they are much more resistant to hair loss. It is even possible to extract hair from the arms or legs, but since these areas are not that strong, it is not an ideal option.


There are two methods for hair transplantation. The most modern is called FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction). In this technique, the follicular units are obtained separately with the micromotor or manual stapler devices.

The other extraction method is called FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation). This method is out of date since it creates a permanent scar on the back part of the head. It is practically not accepted today.

There have been novel "implantation" methods for the last few years, but all these methods are a continuation of the FUE method since the follicles are implanted one by one.

Percutaneous: Incisions need to be made with a blade to insert the follicles. This blade can be metal slits or sapphire.

  • DHI Method: It is not necessary to make the incisions before the transplantation in this method. The follicles are placed by using an implanter pen.
  • Robotic Method: There are many developing devices for a robotic hair transplantation. However, the most widely known device has the Artas brand.

How does the process after hair transplantation continue?

The transplantation of the follicles takes about 4-8 hours, depending on the amount of follicles. After the procedure, your donor area will be bandaged and you can return to your home or hotel.

The medical dressing is performed one day after the procedure or two days after you’re the bandage is removed. Some suggestions are made by the expert to wash your head during the first 10 days. This washing protocol can be explained as follows:

You should apply the moisturizing lotion to your recipient area and wait for 45 minutes to an hour. This lotion both softens the scabs and nourishes the newly implanted grafts. Then rinse off the lotion with warm water without pressure. After that, you can apply a shampoo. The shampoo can be used for all areas of the scalp. You should avoid pressing procedures such as scrubbing and massage, but a massage can be performed to better cleanse the donor area. It is necessary to remove all scabs in the recipient area until the 10th wash. To do this, you can start scrubbing slowly beginning from the 7th wash. This is very crucial because if the scabs remain for a longer time, it will prevent the development of hair follicles and reduce the chance of success.

There will be a period between the 1st and 3rd month, called the shock hair loss. During this period, 40-70% of your implanted grafts will get lost, which is completely normal. In the 4th month, your hair starts to grow and the density begins to increase gradually.Usually between 12 and 18 months, the hair transplant procedure is completely achieved.

The Cost of Hair Transplantation in Turkey

The price is a challenging criterion that patients often confuse in the hair transplantation. There is a high probability of a failed hair transplant if you are only researching for the prices. There are many hair transplant clinics in Turkey and we always recommend to consider the quality first rather than the price. At the end of the day, this will be a life-changing procedure in either way.

The cost of hair transplantation in Turkey is much more affordable than the rest of the world. Turkey is the world leader in this regard (according to the data in 2017). Approximately 1500-2000 patients come to Turkey daily. The clinic you choose for the hair transplantation is crucial. Because there is a large range for the quality of procedure as well as the cost of procedure in this regard. Therefore, you should think carefully before making a decision.